Colds and Antibiotics
Art & Research: Catherine Batchelor & Isra Ahmed
Further Reading Literature: Alyssa Sorensen
Colds and Antibiotics
What causes colds?
There are many types of rhinoviruses which can cause a cold.
NOTE: Lack of a fatty outer layer.
Anatomy of a virus
Contraction and prevention
Droplets from sneezes, coughs, or even talking can spread the virus.
Using tissues, washing hands, using disinfectant, and focusing on your health will all help prevent colds. CHECK
"We must weaken the walls and bring an end to all bacterial beasts!"
Antibiotics can stop the creation of more bacteria, stopping cell wall creation, DNA replication, and protein + RNA synthesis.
Antibiotic abilities
Antibiotics are NOT equipped to defeat viruses.
Viral entry
A "ligand-gated" protein has a LOCK that requires another protein to be the KEY. When the key fits into the lock, the protein opens a DOOR, known as a channel. CHECK
Viral genetic material
CHECK Viruses inject cells with RNA (genetic material) after CHECK ligand-gated protein is opened/activated.