Fall 2020 Meetings

Meeting 1 F20 - Introduction

Date - Sep 9th, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join with this link! (Meeting ID: 972 8389 9169, Pass: AIM)

View our project sign-up form! - CLOSED

Our Purpose: We want the general population to be able to learn about their own health and bodies without the fear of the complexity of the science that makes those up. Art was chosen to depict these processes because so many of us are visual learners, thus we want to spread this scientific inquiry into all individuals.

Project Timeline

  • 1. Groups will submit a very simple layout of what they would like to showcase in their drawing

  • along with some descriptions.

  • 2. Each Group can submit their mock-ups by attaching the images via email. (This can be a simple drawing and have a few notes along with it. This is just a rough draft)

  • 3. Executive board can meet with your group to go over it.

  • 4. The group can work on adding detail, color, etc. to create the final work.

  • 5. Deadlines or suggested finish dates can be given based on the complexity of the project.(If your project is more complex you will have more time.)

  • 6. Final work can be posted by board members to our social media (instagram, website) and credit will be given to all who participated (we are thinking of collaborating with another club and having a showcase for our completed projects)

Group structure:

  • In each group there will be

  • - 1 to 2 traditional artists

  • - 1 to 2 digital artists

  • - 1 to 2 general members (Non-artists)

Traditional artists can create:

  • 3D printed art

  • Crochet

  • Paint

  • Sculptures

  • Anything at all! Talk to the Executive board for approval.

Opportunities for Non-artists

  • If you are not an artist, there are still a lot of ways you can contribute! You can work with the traditional/digital artists to plan out the project.

  • You can do the research behind the project by using articles, websites, videos, and/or peer-reviewed articles

  • You can use the above stated trusted sources to give another perspective on the topic or also provide further reading

Role of traditional artists:

  • To create line work or work solo on a whole painting/drawing and finalize using paint, colored pencils, pastels, etc. It can be scanned and submitted to other group members who have access to digital painting tools

Role of digital artists:

  • May be assigned to multiple projects (if they have the time). Autodesk sketchbook and FireAlpaca are free digital painting resources

Meeting 2 F20 - Art that Can Be Found in Medicine (ft. speaker Prof. Lloyd)

Date - Sep 23rd, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join with this link! (Meeting ID: 972 8389 9169, Pass: AIM)

About ARH107

The course, taught by Prof. Lloyd, is not reduced to a mere appreciation of Art. The scope of art, according to the Instructor is "critically challenging medical practice and tradition." Art and Medicine are analyzed in this course through different work frames from the past to recent days. Some examples include:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci's medically related research and artwork.

  • The representation of medical figures in ancient art compared to the today's average doctor.

  • The usage of art in political campaigns relating to social medical issues.

  • The linkage between race and medical care.

  • How COVID19 has been has been represented throughout popular visual media.

  • Representations of epidemics and pandemics in art throughout the years and their religious dimension.

  • Xenophobic representation of disease.

  • Art for active change: different ways to engage people into critical thinking.

  • Social media art work and COVID19.

Art Analysis: Important elements

  • Symmetry, asymmetry.

  • How much space is occupied by the subject.

  • Diagonal, vertical axes.

  • Line, texture.

  • Color.

Into Practice: Our Analysis of the Image on the Right (Below)

"The negative space helps the viewer focus on the patient specifically." -Aisha

"It is almost as the background is eroding and decaying into the same concave shape as the man." -Sarah

"It seems that you are sitting next to a loved one and you are watching them take their last breath." -Parisa

Meeting 3 F20 - Project Reviews with Members (breakout room sessions)

Date - Oct 7th, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join with this link! (Meeting ID: 972 8389 9169, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

We utilized this meeting time to meet with the members of each project to offer some advice and opinions to make sure everyone was on track and the projects had a good balanced between being complex and comprehendible for general audiences. We placed each group into a break out room and one board member met with each group to discuss the progress of the project.

The one thing we want everyone to keep in mind while doing their project is our goal. We want to create a project that is not too difficult for people with little to no science background to understand but also not basic and general. We want it to be understandable and informative enough so the audience is able to take something away from it.

Meeting 4 F20 - Chill Pre-med Q&A with our Eboard

Date - Oct 21st, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join with this link! (Meeting ID: 972 8389 9169, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

In this meeting, we went over some aspects of the pre-med process including questions MCAT, application, letters of recommendation, etc. with our members who are on this path.

Because it was a small group, the Q&A was more personal and members were able to ask a lot of questions regarding their own situations.

Meeting 5 F20 - Artwork Showcase!

Date - Nov 4th, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Join with this link! (Meeting ID: 972 8389 9169, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

(Image presented to the left is from Sarah J. Lee and John Choo's Muscle Contraction project)

In this second-to-last meeting, we showcased many of our members' new projects that they completed and went over how awesome they were!

By the end of the semester, we will be posting these finished projects both on our website and on our social media, so stay tuned for both!

Meeting 6 F20 - Draw-Along Card Making for Healthcare Workers and Veterans (ft. SBU Art Club!)


Date - Nov 16th, 8:00pm-9:00pm

(Meeting ID: 955 2344 6674, Pass: 389087)

Meeting Notes

We used this time to showcase some ideas on a mood board and have members express their creativity in the form of cards to healthcare workers and veterans!

These cards will be sent within the next week to everyone to show our appreciation.